Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu: Meaning and Importance

Discover the beauty and power of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu, a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Learn the meaning and significance of each verse and how to chant it to invoke blessings and protection.

Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu: Meaning and Importance

The Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, a popular deity in Hinduism.


A traditional prayer known as the Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu honours Lord Hanuman, who is the picture of strength, devotion, and loyalty. Tulsidas wrote the Awadhi-language hymn, which is a popularly recited religious song. This prayer is a recital of forty chaupais (verses) that extol the glory, bravery, and righteousness of Lord Hanuman.

The original prayer, Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu, was written in the southern Indian language of Telugu, which is now used in the rendition. One of the most well-known devotional songs among Lord Hanuman's Telugu-speaking followers is the Hanuman Chalisa.

The Significance of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu:

Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu - An Introduction:

Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu is an ode to Lord Hanuman, who is worshipped as a symbol of power, courage, and devotion. The prayer has been translated into several Indian languages, including Telugu, to make it accessible to devotees across the country. Here are some of the significance of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu:

The Composition of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu:

  1. Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu is a poetic masterpiece composed by Tulsidas in the Awadhi language. The prayer comprises forty It helps in invoking the blessings of Lord Hanuman.
  2. It provides strength, courage, and confidence to overcome obstacles and challenges in life.
  3. It promotes devotion and faith towards Lord Hanuman.
  4. It helps in seeking protection from negative energies and evil forces.
Chaupais or verses, each consisting of four rhyming lines. The Telugu version of the Hanuman Chalisa has been translated by various authors and scholars to make it more accessible to the Telugu-speaking audience. The Telugu version of the Hanuman Chalisa maintains the same structure and style as the original version.

The Impact of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu on People's Lives

Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu has had a profound impact on people's lives in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Many people recite this chant daily as part of their morning routine or during special occasions such as Hanuman Jayanti, Navratri, and other festivals.

The recitation of Hanuman Chalisa is believed to bring peace of mind, ward off evil spirits, and protect people from harm's way. The belief in the power of Hanuman Chalisa has also led to the construction of several temples dedicated to Lord Hanuman, where devotees gather to recite this hymn and seek his blessings.

The Structure and Content of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu

Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu consists of forty verses, each describing Lord Hanuman's virtues, achievements, and devotion towards Lord Rama. The chant begins with an invocation to Lord Hanuman, followed by a description of his physical appearance and qualities such as strength, wisdom, and courage.

The subsequent verses narrate the story of Lord Rama and how Lord Hanuman helped him in his quest to rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon king Ravana. The last few verses of Hanuman Chalisa summarize Lord Hanuman's greatness and his significance in Hindu mythology.

The Role of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu in Bringing Communities Together

Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu has played a significant role in bringing people of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh together. The recitation of this hymn is a common practice among people from all walks of life, irrespective of their caste, creed, or religion.

The popularity of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu has transcended linguistic and cultural barriers, and it is not uncommon to find people from different regions of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh coming together to recite this devotional chant. Hanuman Chalisa has thus become a unifying force that promotes religious harmony and brotherhood.

Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu: Meaning and Importance

Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu:

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జయ హనుà°®ాà°¨ à°™్à°žాà°¨ à°—ుà°£ à°¸ాà°—à°° |
జయ à°•à°ªీà°¶ à°¤ిà°¹ు à°²ోà°• ఉజాà°—à°° || 1 ||

à°°ామదూà°¤ à°…à°¤ుà°²ిà°¤ బలధాà°®ా |
à°…ంజని à°ªుà°¤్à°° పవనసుà°¤ à°¨ాà°®ా || 2 ||

మహాà°µీà°° à°µిà°•్à°°à°® బజరంà°—ీ |
à°•ుమతి à°¨ిà°µాà°° à°¸ుమతి à°•ే à°¸ంà°—ీ ||3 ||

à°•ంà°šà°¨ వరణ à°µిà°°ాà°œ à°¸ుà°µేà°¶ా |
à°•ానన à°•ుంà°¡à°² à°•ుంà°šిà°¤ à°•ేà°¶ా || 4 ||

à°¹ాథవజ్à°° à°” à°§్వజా à°µిà°°ాà°œై |
à°•ాంà°¥ే à°®ూంà°œ జనేà°µూ à°¸ాà°œై || 5||

à°¶ంà°•à°° à°¸ువన à°•ేసరీ à°¨ందన |
à°¤ేà°œ à°ª్à°°à°¤ాà°ª మహాజగ à°µందన || 6 ||

à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°µాà°¨ à°—ుà°£ీ à°…à°¤ి à°šాà°¤ుà°° |
à°°ాà°® à°•ాà°œ à°•à°°ిà°µే à°•ో ఆతుà°° || 7 ||

à°ª్à°°à°­ు à°šà°°ిà°¤్à°° à°¸ుà°¨ిà°µే à°•ో à°°à°¸ిà°¯ా |
à°°ామలఖన à°¸ీà°¤ా మన బసిà°¯ా || 8||

à°¸ూà°•్à°·్à°® à°°ూపధరి à°¸ియహి à°¦ిà°–ాà°µా |
à°µిà°•à°Ÿ à°°ూపధరి à°²ంà°• జరాà°µా || 9 ||

à°­ీà°® à°°ూపధరి à°…à°¸ుà°° à°¸ంà°¹ాà°°ే |
à°°ామచంà°¦్à°° à°•ే à°•ాà°œ à°¸ంà°µాà°°ే || 10 ||

à°²ాà°¯ à°¸ంà°œీవన లఖన à°œిà°¯ాà°¯ే |
à°¶్à°°ీ à°°à°˜ుà°µీà°° హరషి ఉరలాà°¯ే || 11 ||

à°°à°˜ుపతి à°•ీà°¨్à°¹ీ బహుà°¤ బడాà°¯ీ |
à°¤ుà°® మమ à°ª్à°°ిà°¯ భరతహి సమ à°­ాà°¯ీ || 12 |

సహస వదన à°¤ుà°®్హరో యశగాà°µై |
à°…à°¸ à°•à°¹ి à°¶్à°°ీపతి à°•ంà°  లగాà°µై || 13 ||

సనకాà°¦ిà°• à°¬్à°°à°¹్à°®ాà°¦ి à°®ుà°¨ీà°¶ా |
à°¨ాà°°à°¦ à°¶ాà°°à°¦ సహిà°¤ à°…à°¹ీà°¶ా || 14 ||

యమ à°•ుà°¬ేà°° à°¦ిà°—à°ªాà°² జహాఁ à°¤ే |
à°•à°µి à°•ోà°µిà°¦ à°•à°¹ి సకే à°•à°¹ాఁ à°¤ే || 15 ||

à°¤ుà°® ఉపకాà°° à°¸ుà°—్à°°ీవహి à°•ీà°¨్à°¹ా |
à°°ాà°® à°®ిà°²ాà°¯ à°°ాజపద à°¦ీà°¨్à°¹ా || 16 |

à°¤ుà°®్హరో à°®ంà°¤్à°° à°µిà°­ీà°·à°£ à°®ాà°¨ా |
à°²ంà°•ేà°¶్వర à°­à°¯ే సబ జగ à°œాà°¨ా || 17 ||

à°¯ుà°— సహస్à°° à°¯ోజన పర à°­ాà°¨ూ |
à°²ీà°²్à°¯ో à°¤ాà°¹ి మధుà°° à°«à°² à°œాà°¨ూ || 18 ||

à°ª్à°°à°­ు à°®ుà°¦్à°°ిà°•ా à°®ేà°²ి à°®ుà°– à°®ాà°¹ీ |
జలధి à°²ాంà°˜ి à°—à°¯ే à°…à°šà°°à°œ à°¨ాà°¹ీ || 19 ||

à°¦ుà°°్à°—à°® à°•ాà°œ జగత à°•ే à°œేà°¤ే |
à°¸ుà°—à°® à°…à°¨ుà°—్à°°à°¹ à°¤ుà°®్హరే à°¤ేà°¤ే || 20 |

à°°ాà°® à°¦ుఆరే à°¤ుà°® à°°à°–à°µాà°°ే |
à°¹ోà°¤ à°¨ ఆఙ్à°žా à°¬ిà°¨ు à°ªైà°¸ాà°°ే || 21 ||

సబ à°¸ుà°– లహై à°¤ుà°®్à°¹ాà°°ీ శరణా |
à°¤ుà°® à°°à°•్à°·à°• à°•ాà°¹ూ à°•ో à°¡à°° à°¨ా || 22 ||

ఆపన à°¤ేà°œ à°¤ుà°®్à°¹ాà°°ో ఆపై |
à°¤ీà°¨ోఁ à°²ోà°• à°¹ాంà°• à°¤ే à°•ాంà°ªై || 23 ||

à°­ూà°¤ à°ªిà°¶ాà°š à°¨ిà°•à°Ÿ నహి ఆవై |
మహవీà°° జబ à°¨ాà°® à°¸ుà°¨ాà°µై || 24 ||

à°¨ాà°¸ై à°°ోà°— హరై సబ à°ªీà°°ా |
జపత à°¨ిà°°ంతర హనుమత à°µీà°°ా || 25 ||

à°¸ంà°•à°Ÿ à°¸ేఁ హనుà°®ాà°¨ à°›ుà°¡ాà°µై |
మన à°•్à°°à°® వచన à°§్à°¯ాà°¨ à°œో à°²ాà°µై || 26 ||

సబ పర à°°ాà°® తపస్à°µీ à°°ాà°œా |
à°¤ినకే à°•ాà°œ సకల à°¤ుà°® à°¸ాà°œా || 27 ||

ఔర మనోà°°à°§ à°œో à°•ోà°¯ి à°²ాà°µై |
à°¤ాà°¸ు à°…à°®ిà°¤ à°œీవన à°«à°² à°ªాà°µై || 28 ||

à°šాà°°ో à°¯ుà°— పరిà°¤ాà°ª à°¤ుà°®్à°¹ాà°°ా |
à°¹ై పరసిà°¦్à°§ జగత ఉజిà°¯ాà°°ా || 29 ||

à°¸ాà°§ు à°¸ంà°¤ à°•ే à°¤ుà°® à°°à°–à°µాà°°ే |
à°…à°¸ుà°° à°¨ిà°•ందన à°°ాà°® à°¦ుà°²ాà°°ే || 30 ||

à°…à°·్à° à°¸ిà°¦్à°§ి నవ à°¨ిà°§ి à°•ే à°¦ాà°¤ా |
à°…à°¸ వర à°¦ీà°¨్à°¹ à°œానకీ à°®ాà°¤ా || 31 ||

à°°ాà°® à°°à°¸ాయన à°¤ుà°®్à°¹ాà°°ే à°ªాà°¸ా |
à°¸ాà°¦ à°°à°¹ో à°°à°˜ుపతి à°•ే à°¦ాà°¸ా || 32 ||

à°¤ుà°®్హరే భజన à°°ామకో à°ªాà°µై |
జన్à°® జన్à°® à°•ే à°¦ుà°– à°¬ిసరాà°µై || 33 ||

à°…ంà°¤ à°•ాà°² à°°à°˜ువర à°ªుà°°à°œాà°¯ీ |
జహాఁ జన్à°® హరిà°­à°•్à°¤ à°•à°¹ాà°¯ీ || 34 ||

ఔర à°¦ేవతా à°šిà°¤్à°¤ à°¨ ధరయీ |
హనుమత à°¸ేà°¯ి సర్à°µ à°¸ుà°– à°•à°°à°¯ీ || 35 ||

à°¸ంà°•à°Ÿ à°•à°Ÿై à°®ిà°Ÿై సబ à°ªీà°°ా |
à°œో à°¸ుà°®ిà°°ై హనుమత బల à°µీà°°ా || 36 ||

à°œై à°œై à°œై హనుà°®ాà°¨ à°—ోà°¸ాà°¯ీ |
à°•ృà°ªా à°•à°°ో à°—ుà°°ుà°¦ేà°µ à°•ీ à°¨ాà°¯ీ || 37 ||

à°œో శత à°µాà°° à°ªాà°  à°•à°° à°•ోà°¯ీ |
à°›ూà°Ÿà°¹ి à°¬ంà°¦ి మహా à°¸ుà°– à°¹ోà°¯ీ || 38 ||

à°œో యహ పడై హనుà°®ాà°¨ à°šాà°²ీà°¸ా |
à°¹ోà°¯ à°¸ిà°¦్à°§ి à°¸ాà°–ీ à°—ౌà°°ీà°¶ా || 39 ||

à°¤ులసీà°¦ాà°¸ సదా హరి à°šేà°°ా |
à°•ీà°œై à°¨ాà°¥ à°¹ృదయ మహ à°¡ేà°°ా || 40 ||

|| à°¦ోà°¹ా ||
పవన తనయ à°¸ంà°•à°Ÿ హరణ – à°®ంà°—à°³ à°®ూà°°à°¤ి à°°ూà°ª్ |
à°°ాà°® లఖన à°¸ీà°¤ా సహిà°¤ – à°¹ృదయ బసహు à°¸ుà°°à°­ూà°ª్ ||

| à°¸ిà°¯ావర à°°ామచంà°¦్à°°à°•ీ జయ |
| పవనసుà°¤ హనుà°®ానకీ జయ | 
| à°¬ోà°²ో à°­ాà°¯ీ సబ à°¸ంతనకీ జయ |

Hanuman Chalisa Telugu Pdf: 

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Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu is a devotional hymn that has been an integral part of the spiritual and cultural fabric of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. It is a symbol of people's faith in Lord Hanuman and their belief in his divine powers. The popularity of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region and the enduring legacy of Lord Hanuman's teachings.


What is Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu?
Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu is a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, written in the Telugu language.

What is the significance of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu?
Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu is believed to have the power to protect people from evil forces, bring prosperity, and improve one's overall well-being. It is also considered to be a way of expressing one's devotion and love towards Lord Hanuman.

Who wrote the first Telugu version of Hanuman Chalisa?
The first Telugu version of Hanuman Chalisa was written by a Telugu poet named Sri Rangaraamanaathaa in the 19th century.

How has Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu impacted people's lives?
Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu has had a profound impact on people's lives in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. It is believed to bring peace of mind, ward off evil spirits, and protect people from harm's way.

What is the role of Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu in promoting religious harmony?
Hanuman Chalisa in Telugu has become a unifying force that promotes religious harmony and brotherhood by bringing people of different castes, creeds, and religions together.

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